Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

yesterday I had a new food called lumpia, and when i got back home from Davids work I i played football on the malie with the neighbors and it was very  fun.


  1. I love Lumpia. So glad you got to try it. Who made it for you. And who is the woman in the picture? You gotta label your pictures boy.

  2. Malae - formally, it's a ritual space in the middle of the village that is surrounded by each extended family's meeting house.

    In more casual usage, its any cleared field-ish place.
    The airport is the Malae Va'alele (flying canoe field)

    hugs, DA

  3. I love lumpia too. Yum. I am an anonymous follower. I think I was number 3 :) Love seeing the pictures. It looks like you're having a great time.

  4. I am a also bloger like you, but I had a late start to follow your blog.

    Is lumpia a deep fried spring roll? If so, I wanted to have some too.
